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Privacy Policy

Please contact us with any questions or concerns about your order or any thing else that comes to mind!

We are fully committed to preserving our customers’ privacy. We only use the information received through our website to fulfill our customers’ orders, accept payments and/or answer inquiries. We do not share any customer information with third parties for other means.

The information we gather when a customer signs up for the reminder service includes: name and email. This information is only used for the reminder service. The information gathered from the warranty service includes: name, email, address, daytime phone number, evening phone number, city, country, province, date of purchase, store purchased from, postal/zip code. The information gathered is used internally for record keeping purposes only.

This privacy policy only covers information gathered on the website www.cimatec.com It does not cover information gathered from other sites linked to this website.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please contact us at info@cimatec.com or call us at 1-800-565-5326.


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